De nombreux viticulteurs qui vendent du vin en Europe ont \u00e9t\u00e9 occup\u00e9s \u00e0 pr\u00e9parer leur mise en conformit\u00e9 avec le r\u00e8glement (UE) 2021\/2117 et plusieurs autres r\u00e8glements relatifs \u00e0 l’\u00e9tiquetage du vin. Le changement le plus \u00e9vident de l’actuel r\u00e8glement UE 2021\/2117 est l’obligation de fournir des informations sur les ingr\u00e9dients, la nutrition, l’\u00e9nergie et les allerg\u00e8nes avec les vins vendus dans l’UE \u00e0 partir du 8 d\u00e9cembre 2023.
\nUne mise \u00e0 jour des lois, 2023\/3257, a \u00e9t\u00e9 publi\u00e9e le 30 mai 2023.<\/p>\n
Les changements les plus importants sont les suivants:<\/p>\n
- \n
- Clarification de l’endroit o\u00f9 les allerg\u00e8nes et les intol\u00e9rances peuvent \u00eatre affich\u00e9s<\/li>\n
- Clarifications concernant les additifs qui varient d’une bouteille \u00e0 l’autre, y compris les gaz d’emballage.<\/li>\n
- De nouvelles r\u00e8gles s’appliquent aux vins de moins de 10 % d’alcool et de moins de 0,5 % d’alcool.<\/li>\n
- Une s\u00e9rie suppl\u00e9mentaire de clarifications a \u00e9t\u00e9 publi\u00e9e le 24 novembre 2023.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
Vous pouvez lire un r\u00e9sum\u00e9 de ces clarifications ici \u00e0 partir des “Questions et r\u00e9ponses sur la mise en \u0153uvre des nouvelles dispositions de l’UE en mati\u00e8re d’\u00e9tiquetage des vins \u00e0 la suite de la modification du r\u00e8glement (UE) n\u00b0 1308\/2013 du Parlement europ\u00e9en et du Conseil et du r\u00e8glement d\u00e9l\u00e9gu\u00e9 (UE) 2019\/33 de la Commission”. Lisez la suite pour plus d’informations sur les changements ant\u00e9rieurs et les informations toujours pertinentes du r\u00e8glement E.U. 2023\/3257.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n
\n Clarification sur la mani\u00e8re de divulguer les additifs quelles que soient les variations d’une bouteille \u00e0 l’autre\n <\/h1>\n\n\n
Winemakers frequently use different additives in different batches of the same wine, often late in the process after labels have already been printed and applied.<\/p>\n
Considering this, the new regulation takes a sympathetic stance regarding listing of ingredients and additives, a complete list of which can be found in article 48a of Regulation (EU)2019\/33. Because it is impractical to track and disclose each and every additive used in each and every bottle of wine, the new regulation requires that the ingredient list for a product include an exhaustive list of additives that could potentially be used in the winemaking process.<\/p>\n
Put another way, it\u2019s acceptable from the perspective of the law that additives listed on a label may not be actually present in the wine of that bottle.<\/p>\n
Among the sub-category of additives \u2018acidity regulators\u2019 and \u2018stabilising agents\u2019, requirements are more specific. Regulators and stabilizers need to be listed using the expression \u201ccontains\u2026 and\/or\u201d, followed by no more than three additives. At least one of those additives listed is expected to be present in the final product.<\/p>\n
Among the sub-category \u2018packaging gases\u2019, such as carbon dioxide, argon, and nitrogen which do not become a part of the product consumed, these may be omitted from the ingredient list if the producer uses either of the following statements:<\/p>\n
- \n
- \u2018Bottled in a protective atmosphere\u2019<\/li>\n
- \u2018Bottling may happen in a protective atmosphere\u2019<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n<\/div>\n\n
\n Champ de vision : le point sur les endroits o\u00f9 les allerg\u00e8nes et les intol\u00e9rances peuvent \u00eatre affich\u00e9s\n <\/h1>\n\n\n
Allergens and intolerances are required to be printed on the product label regardless of whether you are using electronic labels or not. If you\u2019re using an electronic label to disclose nutrition and ingredients, allergens and intolerances must be included there as well.<\/p>\n
The original regulation (2019\/33) provides guidance on where these compulsory particulars are expected on wine sold in the E.U. The \u201cfield of vision\u201d is a simple but important concept in this matter and it is explained in Regulation EU 2019\/33 as anything that is legible without the need to turn the package or bottle. This latest regulation states that the following items, while compulsory, can be listed outside the field of vision:<\/p>\n
- \n
- Substances or products causing allergies or intolerances (referred to in article 9(1), point (c), of regulation (EU) No 1169\/2011)<\/li>\n
- The indication of the importer;<\/li>\n
- The lot number;<\/li>\n
- The date of minimum durability;<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n
It\u2019s important to understand that while these are allowed outside the field of vision, they are still required on the label or attached to the wine bottle.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n